Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New arrivals

Finally the list is updated, here's what's new:

Pisschrist - Victims of faith LP
Makabert Fynd - Det var bättre förr LP
Cop de fona - Instint de venjanca 7"
Tinner / Slapendehonden 7"
Proletar / Diorrhea 7"
Whole in the head - Reclaim your future 7"
Burnt Cross - Too many graves 7"
Active Minds - Recipe for disaster 7"
Active Minds - The national lotta e 7"
Active Minds - Behind the mask 7"
Active Minds - I'm not a tourist...7"
Active Minds - Dis is getting pathetic 7"
Active Minds - The lunatics have taken over... flexi 7"
Suckinim Baenaim / Batalj 7"
Antabus - Hellraiser 7"
Accione Mutante - All your base belongs to us 7"
Agathocles / Malignant Tumour 7"
Project Hopeless / Offensive 7"
Reorganize 7"
Homy Hogs / Fylgja 7"
Comatose 7"
FKÜ - Maniac cop 7"
Holocaust in your head / Violent Headache 7"
Crani Septic / Chancleta 7"


  1. trevligt.
    vi har ju också trätt in i cyberrymden på http://rawpunkapocalypse.blogspot.com/

    /dahlberg i lule

  2. trevligt trevligt! la till er i "bloglistan"
